Website Publishing In Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
My career is spent in retail management and retail operations, serving the mass market. Retail is intensely competitive and dateline driven. I have been involved in the largest retail chain store in my state, being responsible for a 20 million dollar business unit. As a professional buyer, I have dealt with suppliers from all over the country, from overseas, as well as international brands.
After proving myself in the front lines of retail, I ended in headquarters overseeing the computerization of the entire group’s operations. That was the start of my involvement in computer technology. Besides management information services, I was picked to formulate and implement the customer loyalty program in our stores throughout Sabah.
After 10 years with the group, I made the switch to the supply side. Again, in management, operations and information technology. From time to time, I started my own businesses, entering and exiting markets when the opportunity presented itself.
When a public listed company started retail operations in my state, I rejoined the retail industry. Many of the top guns in retailing spearheaded the operations and I was called back into action. Setting up and managing a retail unit, my retail store was the first to break the million dollar mark. Within the year, I was called to head office to oversee the installation of the new retail management systems.
When I left the company in the middle of 2010, I had completed the documentation for our ISO 9001:2008 initiative. As well as the complete operations manual for the group’s operations.
About This Website
I started providing internet marketing services to local small businesses in my area. The internet is where the majority of people are. Everyone I know is connected to the internet, whether at work, at home, in school or by mobile phone. The majority of people I know uses the search engines to find products and services.
Having a website applies to all industries, from manufacturing, to retailing, to the food and beverage industry. Nowadays, businesses and customers expect to find you on the internet. If your business is to be relevant to your target market, the internet is where you need to be.
I help local businesses establish themselves on the internet and extend their marketing reach using the internet channel.
If you are a business in Kota Kinabalu city, or Sabah, I can help your business publish your website on the internet.
My Latest Project
I launched DotCom Membership, in 2011. The purpose of this membership website is to provide resources to people starting out in internet marketing, or people who just want to build their own website. The membership is free and will remain free for life.
Premium membership is offered at a special introductory price at Dotcom Membership. What you get in the premium membership is information products which you can sell, or use on your own website. My guarantee is that what you find in the Premium Membership will always be of more value than the price of the membership. Visit DotCom Membership now and see for yourself.
A Little History
This website started out as a self-development and motivation site. Having been in management for almost two decades, I have seen many issues with motivation, stress, and relationship problems. That is my key motivation for creating this website. It is tough to see individuals put everything into their work, and leave such a large track of devastation in their personal life. It is just not worth it. Life is just too short, and the things that really matter in life lies outside of your work.
Adrian Lee
20 years in management in the retail and sales industry, website publisher, and owner of Creates wordpress websites for local businesses and provides internet marketing services. Writes articles at, builds niche websites when he isn’t working for a client. Off-line, spends his time between hanging out with his wife, and two little angels, reading books, and going for the occasional hike.