Every retailer must have their own identity, their own concept of retail marketing. It has to make sense to the customer the moment he or she walks into your store. The store identity you create for your store should span across the board. From your signage, lighting, brochures and posters, uniforms, customer service, products should speak very clearly to your customers; this is who we are, this is how we serve you. With integrity, with our attention to details, our outstanding customer service, our fair price, our unfailing value for money products.
If your retail store has been around for some time, and the business growth has reached a plateau, it is time to freshen up or do a re-launch. The retail concept is based on trends and consumer choice. Change is inevitable, and after some time in business, your store identity might start to look out-dated. While making a change in your store identity or a relaunch can eat into your operating profits, it is unavoidable. Retailers must move with the times and be relevant to the consumers. Change doesn’t guarantee you will win, but standing still is a sure way to lose.
We have to continuously evolve to serve our customers better. It means being market savvy and knowing the trends and directions of our customers. This allows us to develop effective and innovative solutions that will fulfill our customers’ demand. Without thorough research and planning, we wouldn’t know where to start. In our efforts to further improve and increase profitability and customer satisfaction, the simple solution is the best. This should be the fastest, most cost-effective change that our associates can implement. It’s has to be real, not a gimmick. Our customers have to be able to feel the difference. Equally important, the management has to commit and provide the leadership to ensure that the change is sustained.
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