How To Love Your Job

How To Love Your Job

Many people I know hate their job, and yet they stick to the daily grind. These days, though many are glad to even have a job. If you have to spend 8 hours a day at work, you might as well be doing something you like. I believe people need to find meaning in their life, people need to know that what they do matters. Of course, we have all been in situations where what is happening in the company doesn’t make sense. But what if I can show you how to love your job again?

I get bored with work too, whenever I have to do things that are routine. When the work is routine, problems tend to really stress you out. Imagine if you are having a bad day, how would it feel if you have another 364 days of the same? It might be time for a chance, and you don’t even if to quit your company.

1. Change Your Department

It’s time for a change of environment and a new challenge. With a new challenge, and the chance to learn something new, even the training will be rewarding. It might be a job that no one wants, but isn’t a dead end job. There have been times when I did what no one wanted to do, and then they wonder why I got a pay raise. I don’t mean to imply that it was easy, but sometimes you have to go the extra mile. Always deliver more than they expect doesn’t apply only to consumers.

2. Get Involved

Getting involved in the workplace can create new jobs, projects and new friends. The act of doing something constructive gives you a great boost. It motivates you, and get your juices flowing. Maybe you can sign up for a course, or ask to be assigned to a project. Your efforts will be appreciated.

Socially, it helps you to create a network of contacts, inside and outside the company. This can lead to better things in the future. Getting involve will help you find your passion, and it even allows you to help people. The point is there are many options available to you within a company, and rather than complaining about how things are going, get things going!

3. Be Productive

Getting things done always helps you feel good about yourself. You are active rather than reactive. The more you get done, the better you become. Self-development is what happens in the real world, where you find yourself meeting challenges head-on. It gets even better, the more experienced you become, the less problems you have. Your problem solving skills improve to the point where you can prevent problems from happening in the first place.

Focus on getting things done, one job at a time, one day at a time. It all adds up. It’s a great feeling to walk into a room and receive applause from your co-workers. Or in giving a speech that fires them up ready for the next project. It’s time to get your head in the game.

1 Comment

  1. Is it me?? I haven’t been here for some time right? The format’s all different! Very nice and clean new look!!

    Happy New Year!