Migrate Your Joomla Website To WordPress
Migrating your website from one platform to another platform is one of the most difficult job for most website owners. Even web designers will think about it before taking on the job and it is not going to be cheap.
When the Joomla and WordPress platform first became available, creating websites became a lot easier. Anyone could get started with little technical knowledge. It is still true today, although you do need to increase your technical skills if you want an outstanding website.
Choosing Between Joomla And WordPress
At that time, a frequently asked question was should you use Joomla or WordPress? One reason was because you would want a platform that was supported and the more popular it was, you could get answers quicker if you ran into technical difficulties.
A lot of it came down to personal preference and the way both platforms are built in the back-end. Over time though, WordPress has become more popular then Joomla, and website owners began to think about switching platforms.
Migrate Joomla To WordPress
Ideally, when you migrate Joomla to WordPress, the process should be done quickly with no downtime for your Joomla website. Another important point is that data fields should be migrated correctly – categories, images and URLs should be preserved.
The good news is you can now do a fast and accurate Joomla to WordPress switch without advance technical knowledge. If you can follow instructions, you can complete the migration in less than 30 minutes.
Automated Joomla To WordPress Data Conversion
This is an automated Joomla to WordPress data conversion that allows you to quickly move your website data from one platform to another. This can be done because both Joomla and WordPress uses a database, so data can be migrated to the corresponding data field or table.
The process is automated and you do not need to download any software to make the migration. Although you do need to download a bridge file and you do need to use a FTP program.
This is what you need to perform the migration:
- Existing website url
- Target website url
- FTP program
- Download Bridge file
You should note that this is data migration, which means you move data from your existing website to another website, the second being a WordPress website. It does not transform your Joomla website into a WordPress website at a click of a button.
Accurate Joomla To WordPress Switch
This service is CMS2CMS and it enables you to switch from one website platform to another easily. You could do this yourself if you have a personal or business website that you want to change.
Is it really that simple? Well, it depends on how comfortable you are with the technical aspects of a website. This is the easiest solution I have seen so far. For those of us who have been building websites for a while now, this enables us to quickly migrate a client’s website from one platform to another at a lower cost than manual migration.
Find out more about fast and accurate Joomla to WordPress switch here.